0191 388 2483  |   cestria@durhamlearning.net


Assessment – Attainment, Levels and Targets

The Department for Education has not specified how the new curriculum should be assessed by schools. So, schools are free to choose their own assessment system.

This freedom allows for schools to further develop existing formative assessment practices. The elements of formative assessment include:

  • Clarifying learning objectives and criteria for success.
  • Engineering effective classroom discussions, questions and tasks that elicit evidence of learning.
  • Providing written and verbal feedback that moves learners forward.
  • Encouraging children as owners of their own learning

These professional practices are already part of the culture of assessment at Cestria Primary School.

In order to track achievement, teachers keep detailed records of the children’s achievement.
Achievement is judged as being:

  • at the expected stage of achievement for their year group or
  • above the expected stage of achievement for their year group or
  • working towards the expected stage of achievement for their year group

There is a degree of flexibility for teachers to judge achievement as well above or just below. Teachers set high expectations for every child. They plan stretching work for children whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard. They carefully plan lessons so that all children can access the curriculum regardless of their starting points. By the end of the year, the expected standard of attainment for children is to have an ‘embedded’ understanding of their year group’s learning objectives.

Please select the links below to view further details of our subjects: