0191 388 2483  |   cestria@durhamlearning.net

Useful Links

Here is a list of useful links for pupils, parents and carers.

Links for parents

Chester-le-Street Learning Alliance


Cestria Primary School is a founder member of the Chester-le-Street Learning Alliance. This is a school company formed by a number of like-minded schools and educational providers in the Chester-le-Street area.

Following many years of informal collaboration between the schools involved, the Chester-le-Street Learning Alliance is a natural development of these well-established relationships.

The aims of the company are to work in partnership to:

  • Deliver enrichment activities tailored to our collective need.
  • Access high quality teaching and learning experiences by sharing best practice within the group.
  • Maximise the resources available to us by allowing the company to collectively bid for grants.
  • Provide financial clarity, and a formal conduit for financing joint projects.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Links for Pupils

e-Safety Websites

Durham Music Services

Durham Music Services aim to inspire young people in our communities to enjoy music throughout their lives. They provide a wide range of high quality musical educational opportunities aiming for the highest standards. Visit the Durham Music Services website for further information.

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