0191 388 2483  |   cestria@durhamlearning.net

School Dinners

School Dinners

We are proud to work with Chartwells Schools for your children’s school dinners. Chartwells believe that the key to fuelling young minds comes from understanding both what they need and what they enjoy, which is why they develop nutritious and delicious food that pupils love, alongside helping to ensure a healthy body and mind. Their passionate chefs work closely with us to ensure every child receives a nutritionally balanced meal at school, perfectly suited to meet their needs and dietary requirements.

They create menus that are delicious, seasonal and healthy, using carefully selected ingredients, helping to reduce waste and build a more sustainable world for our future generations.

Chartwells Schools dedicates time and resources to education surrounding mental and physical wellbeing, including nutrition and food habits, to encourage our pupils to engage with, learn, and enjoy food while developing crucial social skills. Chartwells’ Food Super Heroes make food education fun, whatever the age, and their tasty theme days encourage children to make the most of their school meal.

To find out more about Chartwells, visit their website or contact the school catering team.

Medical Diets

We know that feeding children with food allergies or intolerance can cause a lot of anxiety for both parents and schools. That’s why Chartwells have implemented a market-leading allergens process, and make sure every step is taken to ensure that our students can enjoy school meals safely with their friends.

More information on their medical diet process can be found here.

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